A mother is working while her daughter tries to get her attention.

Find a Happy Balance Between Work and Family Over Summer Break

A mother is working while her daughter tries to get her attention.Setting boundaries that help families find a happy balance between work and bond-building activities during the summer while kids are on break can be a real struggle. This is particularly true for those who work remotely at home where physically leaving the office is no longer a possibility. If you are feeling caught in a seemingly endless cycle of working while your family wants you to participate more in making memories, these tips may offer a compromise everyone can get excited about!

Clearly Defined Fences Make Great Neighbors
Just like your fence sets an unmistakable boundary between your property and the lot next door, establishing a set routine helps you and your family understand work time versus playtime whether you work in an office or at home. But, instead of setting up a schedule on your own, try planning out your week with your children and/or spouse. Share what you need from them and ask them to speak up about the time they need with you in return. In this way, you are no longer on an island while at your designated office space but rather you are on a connecting location where the gate opens at specific times. Such a schedule prevents hurt feelings because the schedule is clearly defined as opposed to having to explain you’re working whenever anyone asks you to participate in an activity.

When Your Work-Life Boils Over
Despite the best-laid plans, sometimes your business affairs are going to impact your personal life. It is critical during these moments to slow down and communicate your reasons for working late to your loved ones. No one wants to disappoint those they care about most, but there are inevitably times when this will happen. Talking about the possibility of such moments before they happen is just as important as discussing the reasons behind the change in plans when these times arise. For children, since the concept of your work resulting in the ability to pay bills can be difficult to comprehend, try using an analogy they will relate to with toy visual aids such as building blocks. Then, when you do work late, they will be better prepared to delay their summer activities.

Spike Your Productivity by Nourishing Your Emotions
Positive thinking is known to be an essential ingredient in success by giving you the energy and excitement you need to pursue your dreams and take your productivity in your current role to a new level. However, positive thinking can also improve your relationships with everyone around you, especially your loved ones. As you may imagine, when your relationships are in a good place, your emotions are also providing an adding enthusiastic boost to your workload as you look forward to what the day brings. Even if you are not in your ideal position or career, you are bound to be more enthusiastic about your day in general and what you will be doing later with your friends or family members.

Short Breaks can Make a World of Difference in Your Relationships
Need a stretch break? Why not take a 15-minute break with your kids to walk around the block and ask them about their day or, more simply, what they would like to eat for dinner. Soon, you’ll find your quick break is less about stopping work and more about investing time in your relationships with your family while simultaneously supplying your body with the exercise endorphins it can use to fuel inspiration for crushing your work goals when you return to your desk. Equally, a 15 minute game of dodgeball can add a positive charge to everyone’s mood and build memories to cherish for a lifetime. For those stuck at the office, try using the summer break to meet your family for lunch near your workplace. Eating meals together is always a wonderful opportunity to learn more about each other and show your loved ones you want to spend time with them.

Go Deeper With NLP Coaching
If you are searching for healthier relationships or more balance in your life, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) coaching is the fastest way to get on track to making your goals become a reality. Used by elite athletes and successful business owners, CEOs, and entrepreneurs around the globe, NLP can uncover the hidden issues holding you back from living life to the fullest as well as devise achievable strategies to go around obstacles in your path. Try one of my upcoming courses and discover what makes NLP the most effective method of bridging the gaps in your career and relationship goals. This is going to change your life!

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