Close up of chemical products and sprayer

How to Spring Clean Your Lifestyle!

Close up of chemical products and sprayerSpring cleaning can add so much more value to your life than just getting the dust bunnies from behind the refrigerator. It can offer a complete lifestyle makeover to help you move forward into an exciting new direction or give your current efforts a boost to push you past your goals once and for all! Clear out everything that has been holding you back from unlocking your potential with these five proven tips.

Start With Your Visible Clutter
Before you figure out what you can do to improve on the inside, it is often much simpler to determine what needs changing on the outside. Cleaning up your lifestyle is easier when you begin with what you can see and control. For example, filing loose papers on your desk, giving your hard surfaces a good dusting or spritz with the appropriate cleanser, and making the hard choice to either do something with your “maybe” pile of tasks or toss them in the trash can all be freeing and invigorating experiences by themselves. Walking into a clutter-free home or office offers a stress-free environment where everything you need is in its place and ready for use.

Take a Fresh Approach to Your Meals
What you don’t need from performing your home or office makeover, you can donate to a local charity, upsell to make a little extra cash, or throw away. You guessed it, this discarding process includes all beloved junk food. Cheat meals being the exception, spring is a great time to take a hard look at what you have been eating. For weight loss purposes, this does not have to mean tossing out all members of a healthy food group or joining an expensive weight loss program. What it does mean is ridding your home of the foods that do not provide true nourishment to the body and are working against you and all your efforts to improve.

Try replacing them with flavorful fresh or frozen whole food options that offer the energy and satisfaction you crave without all the potentially harmful side effects like raising your blood pressure and cholesterol or leaving you feeling bloated and sluggish. With your pantry, refrigerator, and candy stashes cleaned out, your goto junk foods become treats you have to make an effort to pick up outside of your home or workplace. You can also add an exercise routine to burn off some of the calories for the occasional days when you enjoy a cheat meal or food item guilt-free.

Build a Healthy Routine Into Your Calendar
Typically, when you think of a “healthy routine”, you may get an overwhelming sense of dread as images of brisk sprints in the early morning when you would rather be sleeping or long runs on sore knees after a hard day at work come to mind. If so, you are going to love this step! All you need to do today is decide to initiate a few small changes in your routine. You don’t have to work out like a professional athlete to make a big impact on the rest of your day. Taking the stairs to work instead of the elevator, parking farther away from your office and stores, and enjoying a few walks that are around 15 to 20 minutes each per day are some changes that can leave you feeling more rejuvenated and productive.

Comb Through Your Electronics
Another stress-causing area of our lives is coming from your smartphone, camera, tablet, laptop, or pc. How many minutes per day or hours per week or month are wasted searching for that email from your boss, presentation you prepared, or photo you took last year? Organizing your emails, files, and photos can ensure you are more able to find everything you need quickly and efficiently without unnecessary frustration. As a bonus, you may receive more time to spend on one of your daily strolls, prepping ingredients for your meals, or crafting your new short and long-term career goals. Not sure what goals to write down? We can help with that.

Spend More Time With Inspiring People
Of course, spring cleaning your lifestyle would not be complete without spending some time with positive and uplifting influences. Do you have someone in your life that encourages you to reach for that next level in your career? Who is in your cheering section that empowers you to drive forward and achieve your goals? If no names are coming to mind, we can help with that too.

Live Positive! offers a number of inspiring and life-changing courses and events that will clear away the negative clutter and allow you to feel supported as you discover what really matters to you and what you want to get out of life. Push past your doubt, unbind your potential, and learn what it feels like to live the life you have always wanted. You can achieve your dreams, and it is easier than you imagine. Let us show you how by using proven techniques and tools the leading businessmen and athletes of the world have been applying for decades. Join us in our next Live Positive! event today!

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