a busy mom is on the phone and looking at her laptop at the kitchen table while her daughter waits for help with homework

Are You Working From Home or Living at Work?

a busy mom is on the phone and looking at her laptop at the kitchen table while her daughter waits for help with homeworkIf you are working from home, it can be difficult to create boundaries and find time to recharge. The result can leave you feeling tired, run-down, or even depressed. Reclaim your home life and much-needed rest with these five tips that can have you back on the path to feeling refreshed and ready for success!

The Challenges of Working From Home
When in balance, there are many exciting perks that come with working remotely both at home or on-the-go! Unfortunately, one big hazard with remote work is your office life spilling over into your time for rest, social interaction, hobbies, eating well, exercise, and relaxation. All of these are equally important to a healthy lifestyle. So, let’s dive into some of the ways you can stay on track to thrive in your work and home life!

1) Set Clear Work Schedules!

How you set up your daily routine matters when you work remotely or take extra work home with you from the office. Your schedule either keep you motivated or have a negative impact on your well-being that then spills over into your relationships with others. In addition to determining the right amount of hours to work, establishing clearly defined work times can provide the right mindset for improved concentration and productivity.

2) Create a Clutter-Free Workspace!
Your work schedule is not the only thing that can cause a break in your ability to focus. A clean space can do wonders for reducing stress and anxiety as you won’t have to waste time deciding which task to begin, searching for hidden important documents under the pile of papers, or finding a clean place to put items you actually use down in an organized fashion. If cleaning out the clutter both on your desk and in your pc or laptop seems like a daunting task, try designating one day over the weekend to decluttering your office life. For those items that are useful yet take up space on your desk space, try searching for a creative organization solution that will leave you more room for what you use the most. Pinterest and Etsy are two sites that offer loads of inspiring ideas for storage solutions. Best of all, some of them can even be made by upcycling your clutter!

3) Use Noise-Canceling Earbuds or Headphones!
Another way to spend more time checking off your “To-Do” list and less time feeling distracted is to buy a good pair of noise-canceling earbuds or headphones. Not everyone has an office in the home with a door to close. For those individuals, unless you are supervising young children, these handy devices can let your train-of-thought flow more freely and efficiently.

4) Take Short Breaks!
Once you are in a good stride, it can be difficult to remember your body performs better with some stretching and standing on occasion. Multiple studies like the random trial published in 2013 by the National Center for Biotechnology Information have shown short times spent away from a specific task can result in significant payoffs in terms of productivity and lower stress levels. Therefore, adding some quick breaks to get some water or a healthy snack, queuing up a 10-minute stretch routine to stream, or taking a 15-minute walk around the block a couple of times per day can increase your physical health as well as your ability to work faster and smarter.

5) Build Exercise Into Your Day!
When searching for which activity you want to fill your breaks, be sure to include time for a full workout either before or after your workday. This may seem like an obvious tip, but the truth is a comfy couch in the next room at home can be seriously tempting after a stressful day as opposed to stopping at the gym during your commute to or from the office. Yes, this one will take some extra discipline while working remotely. But, the long list of healthy results in all areas of your life will be well worth the effort!

Make a More Detailed Plan With Us!
Looking for a more specific plan to accomplish your career or life goals while working from home? You’re in the right place! I am a professional LPGA golfer, a best-selling author, and a successful entrepreneur who cannot wait to share the proven methods, motivation, and support I have used to stop running in circles and starting living life to the fullest. Check out my latest list of upcoming courses here, and start getting more out of life today!

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